There are few things more comforting than an accurate and clear map when you're in unfamiliar territory.
There are few things more comforting than an accurate and clear map when you're in unfamiliar territory.
Every couple is always just one sentence away from intimacy.
The question, of course, is...
What is the sentence that will take you to intimacy?
What is the sentence that will take you to intimacy?
This is where the Enneagram proves invaluable. It provides a blueprint for understanding and appreciating what motivates you to think, feel and act as you do. It can lead you to the step that will create an intimate experience with your partner.
Everyone knows relationships aren't easy. Everyone knows they take work. But, most don't know what steps to take when they want to work on things. Much of the time people are "relationship builders" without a plan to tell them where and how to start building.
Once you have identified and come to know your Enneagram personality type, the plan for improving your self and your relationships will be clear. The beauty of the Enneagram is that it identifies how you will relate when things are tough and how you will relate when you are stressed. And, it gets at the source of what motivates.
When you embrace the information provided by the Enneagram, you leave behind superficial change strategies and get to the core of who you are. This depth of knowing makes it possible to change the course of your life and relationships.
When you embrace the information provided by the Enneagram, you leave behind superficial change strategies and get to the core of who you are. This depth of knowing makes it possible to change the course of your life and relationships.