Build Your Foundation
Before a builder can truly exercise his skill, he has to know the fundamentals of his trade. Before an artist can paint a masterpiece, she has to know the basics of color, texture and form.
In order to develop your perfect relationship, you have to know the basic ingredients for relating well.
1. Listening Experientially
There’s a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing has a passive quality. Listening, on the other hand, is active and engaged. The notion of active listening has been around for a long time. Experiential listening takes things even deeper. We will give you all you need to listen actively and deeply so that you can reimagine your love.
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What would it be like to know that you've accurately heard your partner? What would it be like to know that you've been heard and understood right down to your core? Mastering this skill will give your relationship a foundation that is rock solid.
2. Disclosing Fully
There’s talking and then there’s talking. When I ask someone to talk to me, I’m asking for a depth of disclosure that goes way beyond chit-chat. I want to know what’s really going on…what’s below the surface. We will give you the all you need to identify and disclose the deeper parts of your life experience that provide the building blocks for a reimagined love.
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Remember those times when you've been at a loss for words...those times when you know what you want to say but just can't find a way to say it. Those times can be gone for good. Mastering this skill will give you the tools necessary to say what needs to be said in a way that maximizes the likelihood of it being understood.
3. Problem Solving Compassionately
Relationship conflict only needs two things--difference and proximity. For conflict to arise, all you need to do is put two different people close to each other. That’s just another way of saying conflict in a relationship is inevitable. Being able to resolve conflict is fundamental. We will give you all you need to reimagine your love and resolve conflict with compassion and respect.
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Everyone knows conflict is a normal part of being in an intimate relationship. It just comes with the territory. What doesn't need to come with the territory is discouragement and despair. Solving problems compassionately eliminates the downward spiral of discouragement and despair. Learning to solve problems compassionately encourages hope and brings a real sense of accomplishment to difficult times.