SCORE: 0 - 6
You're not so sensitive to all the reasons NOT to be sexually aroused. You don't tend to worry about your own sexual functioning, and body image issues don't interfere too much with your sexual expression. When you're sexually engaged, your attention is not very distractible and you wouldn't be inclined to describe yourself as "sexually shy." Most circumstances can be sexual for you. You may find that your main challenge around sexual functioning is holding yourself back and reigning yourself in. Staying aware of potential consequences can help with this.
SCORE: 7 - 13
You're right in the middle, along with more than half who have been asked these questions. This means that whether or not your sexual "brakes" engage will be largely dependent on context. Risky or novel situations, such as a new partner, might increase your concerns about your own sexual functioning, shyness or your distractibility from sex. Contexts that easily arouse you are likely to be low-risk and more familiar. Any time your stress levels (anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion, depression) escalate, your brakes will reduce your interest in and response to sexual signals.
SCORE: 14 - 20
You're pretty sensitive to all the reasons NOT to be sexually aroused. You need a setting of trust and relaxation in order to be aroused, and it's best if you don't feel rushed or pressured in any way. You might be easily distracted from sex. A high score here, no matter how sexually excitable you might be, indicates the likelihood of sexual problems in your relationship. If you fall in this category, the context of your sexual engagements is VERY important.